Posts Tagged ‘hope’

Where Has Bonnie Been

April 9, 2013

I’m not writing this blog for any one to feel sorry 
for me or take pitty on me. I’m hoping what I write
here will help some one else so they know they aren’t
alone in this world I’m here for any one.

I would love to say I’ve been to Disney with my family.
But the truth is I’ve been very sick. I though 2013 that
my health would be better than years before. Not so.

I’ve cataracts in both eyes which makes it hard to see
and write and to correct words when they are wrong.
This is one reason I stopped blogging and commenting
on Facebook,Twitter,Google plus and other sites. Because
I’m tired of hearing don’t you know how to write or that’s why
there is spell check. The thing is I can’t see the small words.
My texts is set at 150 and there are times I still can’t see.
I will know on may 1st if I can have my eyes done.


I need an ok from my doctor because I was in the hospital for 2 and a 1/2 which seemed like a life time to me.
I need to go back in September for another enderscope to see if the lump in my chest has gotten bigger.

I’ll be getting my teeth done next month so I can get my hip replaced.

I want to thank all the groups I belong to for not kicking me out.

I;m not a quiter I’m a fighter and I will keep
fighting and God will be there holding my hand.

I’ve joined a wonderful prayer group and I’m helping out in the group. I’ve all so been sending message to members of the group that
need some one and I will be trying to expand this
with my own church now I’ve a directy of church members. This way I feel like i’m doing some thing and I don’t feel use less now.

I would like to thank MaryLou Drury,Donna E White-Platt,Starlette Mitchell Vaughn ,Jim Russell,Delphine Noon Bebo,Julia Latto
for being there when I needed a ear or a shoulder
to cry on and helping me threw this time.

I hope you will comment me or ask questions

God bless ever one

Bonnie Squires