Archive for May, 2013

Mothers day isn’t about having gifts or cake

May 13, 2013


Mother’s day to me isn’t about having gifts or cakes, even though it is nice to have them and more.
For me it is about the family coming together and showing their love for me. I’m happy with just a hug and
kisses, and hearing those four words ” I love you, Mom.”


That is what Mom’s day is to me.
My Mother’s day started on Saturday, when our daughter Heather, who is 18 asked if she could do my nails. I told her she could, and so we went outside and sat on the porch. It was a nice sunny day, but a little bit windy.
Heather asked if this Sunday was Mom’s day and I told her yes, so she told me that she doing my nails was my Mom’s
day gift! She painted them light blue with glitter, and put blue heart stickers on them. They looked so pretty.
Our youngest son Donnie who is 10, came outside also and just played around for a little bit. 
Alll of a sudden I hear Donnie say “Here Mom”. I look down and he is handing me a rock. He had found a black maker under the porch and the rock had a face on it; the nose was a little heart. Did he stop there, not at all, he made another rock face, this time a baby one with “I love you ” on the back of it. Then he made another rock with Mom on it. I ended up with a wonderful collection of rocks from our son. He loves rocks and giving them to Mom for Mother’s day.
I also got some wonderful cards from the kids, which they all had picked out for me. They had also picked out a card from my hubby because he can’t get out himself.
However my husband had me up at 5:45 am to watch a song by Adam Sandler which he sang to his Mom, and my hubby thought it was cute.The song was ” Why I Love MOM”.
Angel is 15 and I went to church with her at 10 am.  it was such a wonderful service and after the service was over the younger kids passed out chocolate covered strawberries which were really yummy.
We came home and Heather gave me a Best Mom’s award.
Our son John who 23, and his girl friend Cathie who is 24 gave me a dolphin necklace. The necklace had a gold Mom dolphin and a silver baby dolphin.
Matthew who is 12,  made me dinner of cheese burgers, curly fries and cheese fries.
The girls and Donnie made me cake balls, and 2 cakes. One cake was with chocolate and sunflower seeds and both cakes with chocolate frosting. Yes, I love chocolate.
We had cake and milk. 
I also got a call from Crystal who is 26 wishing me a happy Mom’s day, and Kim who is 25 wished me happy Mom’s day on Facebook.
It was such a wonderful Mom’s day.
I love you Crystal, Kim, John, Daniel, Heather, Angel, Matthew, Donnie.
Thanks for a wonderful Mom’s day.
Love mom xoxox
It was such a wonderful Mom’s day because I had most of my family
at home with me, and our other two daughters remembered me to wish me
a happy Mom’s day.  It ended with hugs and kisses from all kids and “I love
you Mom”

Thank you for reading my post. Please feel free to
leave a comment or questions below.

Bonnie Squires

50 Blog Ideas Thanks Martha & Susanna

May 9, 2013

I’m a member of a face book group. Martha Giffen
ask  Have you set your goals? A written set of goals

will help you get to the finish line with flying colors. Try it!

Most ever ones answer was yes and some of put our goals
for the week that we was doing. Mine was blogging. and Susanna Huse
was blogging to but couldn’t think of any thing. So Martha Giffen
gave here 50 blogging tips and so I’m just adding my 2 cents to
this list. I hope you like it.

1. Gardening

2. Cake decorating

3. Fishing

4. Sports

5. Cars

6. Kids

7. Fund raising

8. Home schooling

9. Photos

10. Scrap booking

11. Music

12. Kids

13. Dogs

14. Cats

15. Bikes

16. Camping

17. Losing weight

18. Your life story

19. Kids Crafts

20. Training dogs

21. Church

22. Hobbies you like to do

23. Healthy snacks or food

24. Candy

25. Gifts for birthday’s,moms day or dad’s day

27. Decor 

28. Wines

29. Soft drinks

30. Nature

31. Paying it forward good deed

32. Caring for your parents

33. Disable

34. Brag about some thing you did

35. Write a review on a movie 

36. Do a blog post on some one you like on twitter

37. Fashions

38 V action

39. Where would you like to travel to

40. Do a blog on family history

41. Do a blog on a fav. teacher

42. Do a follow Friday blog on several people
you like

43. How many states have you been to.

44. Funny pictures

45. Do a blog on 25 thing no one new about you.
I’ve on I did with 50+ things about me.

46. If you could be any one in the world

47. Things your mom said when you was young
now you say it to your children

48. Who do you love and why

49. Inspirational blog 

50. A prayer blog.

Thank you Martha Giffen and Susanna Huse for getting
me thinking again about different blogs. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed this blog and found it helpful

Please leave comments and questions below 

Thank you
Bonnie Squires

Every women should have a mammogram.

May 9, 2013

This isn’t easy for me to write. I’m very lucky
so far. It took me 10 years before I would have
mammogram done. New York starts them at
35 other places starts them at 40.

I’ve my Aunt Carol and my Aunt Ruth to thank
for talking me into getting a mammogram. If I
never found out that 3 of my aunts had passed
away from breast cancer and 1 survived breast
cancer I don’t think i would have had one.

Reason being is I had heard so many bad things
about getting a mammogram. Like they put your
breast in this machine and squeeze your breast
till they are flat and hurts really bad. Yes they do
put your breast in a machine but that don’t squeeze
them till they are flat. Yes there is discomfort but it
isn’t that bad.

I’ve had my 2nd mammogram now and waiting on
the results to come back. I should know by Monday
the results of my mammogram. I’m praying it comes
out ok. But if not I will handle it just like I’ve with the
rest of my life and with Gods help and family and friends
support I’ll make threw any thing.

I hope all women and men do self exams so they
can catch it early.

Mammogram does saves lives. Please all my women friend
get your mammogram if your doctor has told you to. I want all
you healthy and around for a long time to come. All so to you men to. 

Please leave any questions or comments below

Thank you
Bonnie Squires.

What is it like to have Cataracts.

May 3, 2013

I’ve to say having cataracts is no fun at all.
I’ve had cataracts for several months now
my be longer.

It started off with me noticing that my eyes
was focusing rite. What I mean by this is
that when I wake up thing was blurry and
I would rub my eyes some times this would
help some times it wouldn’t. 

I frigged it was time to go to the eye doctors.
I went had my eye exam and was told I had
cataracts and I was shocked because I didn’t
think some one in there 40’s could get cataracts.
So the eye doctor sent me to a specialist and he
confirmed what the eye doctor said and I watched 
a movie on it. The doctor asked if I had any questions
which I didn’t. Because when I was first told I came home
and started looking up cataracts on the web and watched
a video on how they do the surgery.

I can’t say I’m looking forward to it because I’m scared
about having my eyes cut open a little bit but I do look
forward to wear I can see again. I my not even need my
glasses for distance once I;ve the  cataracts removed.

But rite now it is getting harder and harder to see. I see
better during the day than at night time. my right eye is
worse than the left and that will be done May 21st.

Ritte now it is hard for me to see to write this. I’ve my
texts at 150 and it seems so small to me. Allot of times
our kids will read things to me.

Durning the day if i go outside and its a bright sunny day
I can’t see allot of times 1 of the kids will hold my hand and
take me into where ever I’m going. It makes me feel helpless
when they have to help me like that. Than there times our
kids for get I can’t see and wil ask if I’m blind. Angel our daughter
will say that’s mean you no mom can;t see well.

All so I’ve notice I’m having trouble telling dark blues and blacks
socks pants ect apart and some times purples and blues if they
are dark.

Not be able to see makes ever thing so much harder to do. Some times
people just don’t no what its like. I know it doesn’t hurt for the older kids
to help around the house or with the younger kids but it makes me feel
use less like I’m not good for any thing any more. I guess I just got use to
doing for my family that its hard not to do. But I do love them for ever thing
that they have done for me. As our daughter Angel has said to me that is
what family is for to be there for each other.

I know with Gods will my sight will be restored to good health again.

Thank you for reading my blog and please leave questions or comments

God bless you all

Bonnie Squires

You can follow me on Twitter @bonnie67